Hairy Cell Leukemia

Kerisnasamy was adamant in his stand against chemotherapy when he was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia in 2010. Hairy Cell Leukemia is a rare type of chronic leukemia or cancer of the blood. It is characterized by accumulation of cancerous 'hairy' cells in the blood, lymph nodes, spleen and in particular the bone marrow. This results in overcrowding which suppresses and impairs the function of normal blood cells leading to a decrease in immunological function.

Kerisnasamy was fully aware of the untoward side effects of chemotherapy and eventually decided to integrate conventional treatment with Highly Active Micro Nutrient formulae developed at AK Pharmacy & Naturopathy Centre. The outcome was remarkable, from being highly fatigued with low blood counts, Kerisnasamy's health and blood factors improved greatly with the possibility of complete remission in sight. Kerisnasamy continues to harmonize his integrated treatment with Recombinant Interferon (Intron A) therapy and Highly Active Micro Nutrient formulae (natural chemotherapy).

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